Thenjiswa Ngcobo, polisiewoordvoerder in KwaZulu-Natal, het aan AfriNUUS bevestig dat ’n 23-jarige man homself Maandagaand by die polisie oorgegee het, nadat hy na bewering gevlug het van ’n veelvoertuigongeluk op die M41-hoofweg in Umhlanga wat Maandag tydens spitsverkeer plaasgevind het.
“Die bestuurder het na bewering van die toneel gevlug nadat sy vragmotor tydens spitsverkeer in verskeie voertuie ingeploeg het,” sê Ngcobo.
AfriNUUS het vroeër berig dat geen sterftes aangemeld is nie, maar talle mense beserings opgedoen het.
“Die polisie in Durban-noord ondersoek ’n saak van nalatige en roekelose bestuur,” het Ngcobo gesê.
Die man sal na verwagting binnekort in die hof verskyn.
Volgens die KwaZulu-Natalse departement van vervoer het die vragmotor se remstelsel na bewering onklaar geraak, wat tot die ongeluk gelei het.

’n Verklaring deur die departement lui: “Die departement van vervoer in KwaZulu-Natal het ’n volskaalse ondersoek van stapel gestuur na die multi-voertuigongeluk, wat talle mense beseer en voertuie beskadig het op die M41 in Durban.
“Luidens berigte het ’n weghol-vragmotor tydens die oggendverkeer met meer as 40 voertuie gebots. Altesaam 49 voertuie was betrokke.
“’n Vragmotor se remstelsel het na bewering onklaar geraak. Dit het groot verwoesting veroorsaak en die verkeer tot stilstand gebring.
“Deel van die ondersoek sal kyk na bewerings van ’n totale mislukking van die trok se remstelsel, die toestand van die bestuurder, en verskeie ander faktore.
“Indien daar bevind word dat die vragmotor onpadwaardig was, kan die regering ook klagtes teen die vragmotoreienaar aanhangig maak.”
Sipho Hlomuka, LUR vir vervoer, gemeenskapsveiligheid en skakeling, het na hierdie groot ongeluk sy kommer uitgespreek oor die kommerwekkende tempo van vragmotorongelukke op provinsiale paaie.
Die ondersoekspan het reeds verklarings geneem van die ooggetuies en sal die toneel rekonstrueer.

Die vragmotor sal vir forensiese inspeksie geneem word.
Die regering doen ’n beroep op motoriste om ekstra waaksaam op die pad te wees.

Investigation launched into M41 multiple car crash
The KwaZulu-Natal Transport Department has ordered a full-scale investigation into the multiple car crash, which left scores of people injured and vehicles damaged on the M41 highway near Umhlanga, north of Durban, on Monday morning.
According to the reports, a runaway tipper truck collided with more than 40 vehicles during the morning traffic. A total of 49 vehicles were involved.
The tipper truck is suspected to have experienced break failure, which caused major devastation and brought traffic to a standstill.
Transport, Community Safety, and Liaison MEC, Sipho Hlomuka, said part of the investigation will look at the allegations of a total failure of the truck’s braking system, condition of the driver, and various other defects.
“If it’s found that the truck was uroadworthy, the government could also advocate for charges to be pressed against the truck owner,” Hlomuka said.
Hlomuka has also expressed concerns at the alarming rate of truck accidents on provincial roads, noting that Monday’s accident was unnecessary and could have been avoided.
“We have ordered an investigation so that those responsible could be held accountable. As a government, we have a targeted programme focusing on trucks.
“There is a growing challenge with the behaviour of tipper truck drivers in areas such as N2 Phongolo and N2 Richards Bay. We will continue engaging with the freight and logistics sector to adhere to the laws,” the MEC said.
He said the investigating team is already taking statements from the eyewitnesses and will reconstruct the scene, while the truck will be taken for forensic inspection.
Hlomuka wished all people affected by the accident, including those who suffered trauma and physical injuries, a speedy recovery.
The government also appealed to motorists to be extra vigilant on the road at all times.
Operation Siyahlola
Meanwhile, on Monday, Hlomuka led Operation Siyahlola and rolled out crime fighting initiatives in Sweetwaters-Mpumuza under the Msunduzi Local Municipality, Pietermaritzburg.
Hlomuka, who was accompanied by uMngungundlovu District Mayor Mzi Zuma, Msunduzi Local Municipality Mayor Mzimkhulu Thebolla, councillors, and traditional leaders, conducted an assessment of all roads in Ward 2.
Among the main roads that will be upgraded in the area include D2398, which is over two kilometres. The road will be upgraded to a concrete surfaced road at a cost of R45 million.
“The drainage along this road requires upgrading and improvement as it is in a mountainous terrain, and there is Mabane River Bridge, which also needs to be upgraded. This road will benefit the communities in Mabane Ward 2, Laduma, and KwaNxamalala, as it will give easy access to social facilities,” Hlomuka said.
The MEC also interacted with the community on crime fighting initiatives in the area during an event held in Siyanda Sports Ground. –